
... i swear to gawd

... it's like i'm 4 years old. of course, i often act like i am, so this whole post may be a moot point. this holiday season i received some very generous gift cards covering a whole gambit of places like home depots to groceries, (new to me, but hey! cooh! free food! woop woop!) and i tell ya, there's one thing that was hurridly shoved in my pocket so i could share it with allll my officemates this year:

a frog.

yup... a frog. doesn't make sounds, doesn't move on it's own... but lemme tell you, if you touch the two contact points on it's arse, it lights up and puts on a show. the pic doesn't do it justice, but trust me. it's cooh.

it's like my beloved nephew, who after opening all his presents, was caught playing with a clothes pin and a piece of ribbon. buy me overly generous gifts and i laugh all the way to work this morning with a plastic frog. what DOES this say about me? hmmm....


Anonymous said...

it says you are a very....very special person. giggle :)

shannon said...

couldn't add anything to kittn's comment. :)

EE said...

That you are easy to please..... :)

Hell, sound like you would be EASY to buy for. I'll have to remember that for the future. LOL

Anonymous said...

It says, "U R 1 cooh dood!"

Jen said...

When I saw that at a certain place. I immediately thought of you.

Glad you like it...I kinda thought it was cool too. :)

Admin said...


x said...

i love frogs! they are my favourite animals (next to cats). you are lucky. it might catch flies for you too.
happy new year! :)

Anonymous said...

frogs with glowing butts are awesome.

Admin said...

happy new year!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know what was best, so left a note on FuzzyChads, too.

Read your comment on B/sistersshoes and had to reach out to you. In the middle of dozens and dozens of comments on her blog, yours stand out with their wisdom and love. Always look forward to reading your words.

Hope whatever's troubling you blows away like dandelion fluff in a stiff wind. Here's to a very Happy New Year for you and yours.