
... vroom vroooom vroom

...since you all were cooh and said, "yesh, show me your new car goodness;" well... here you go. i got myself a saturn VUE SUV Hybrid! i'll spare you all the eco speeches about fossil fuels and humankind's eventual destruction and simply say that it's PIMPIN!

pics are from my cell, so sorry they're not stellar, but DAMN the drive is! i'm averaging about 27-34 miles a gallon, and considering i used to get 14 mpg with my hyundai sante fe SUV prior to... i'm a happy camper. it's a good fit, ergonomic seats (wif' bun warmers!) and easy flip down seats for TONS o' storage, room for puppers and camping gear, etc!

i'm pretty stoked to say the least! if anyone looks into an SUV that is a hybrid, i'd give ya' my recommendation for this one. i drove 3 other brand/models and went with this badboy due to handling, features, design and yesh - price.

anyhoo... jes' had to share. hope you all have a great week.


shannon said...

i'll bite...what is it?

Jack K. said...

I am a patient person. I will continue to watch the shot "o" da week for peek.

Adrianne said...

I wanna know!!! Tell me, pleeeaase!

I'm only patient when I want to be.

Vixen said...


Crystal said...

total babe magnet.

Anonymous said...

Nice ride bro! I hear the rest of the family loved it, too. -Sis

Jack K. said...

How come you didn't get the Solstice? Doesn't it come in hybrid form, too? snicker

Snazzy ride.