
... has anyone seen my bunners?

... okay, okay, i really don't have my very own prosh leeeetle bunners. but for anyone who's been a fan, a voter, or consistant viewer of what happens on my other site, fuzziechadsrule, you'd think i did.

i will try very hard to be a consistant blogger over the next week, but it may be difficult. we're packing up the rest of the goods today and moving out of our home of 3.5 years. a lotta work went into this place. work to make it a better place for us and our marriage. unfortunately, mainly due to my own misgivings about my life and other things i cannot put into words right now, it's become a place not suitable for me.

FCR may be late next week while i wait for internet hook up and all that crap... so be patient with me, and i wish you all well. i will likely be able to check in witchoo all during breaks at the office, but as life often teaches us; there's no guarantees.


Anonymous said...

Mucho luck to ya; my personal experience says the whole shabang is just the humongaloidest pain in the arse. Wishing you well, and wishing you peace in your spirit and deep, dreamless sleep.

Jack K. said...

Make every day a fantastic one. You can do it. I have the greatest faith in your abilities.

Sorry to learn that things aren't going as well as you would like them.