
... getcher wiener, right here

... omgoodness everyone! what WERE you thinking!? this is a family show! many of you have emailed me asking when i'll get off my tuckus and start creating on my 3rd (yesh, 3d, i know...) blog, somethinsketchy; well, it has sorta kinda maybe possibly begun!

i recently purchased a 12"x19" Wacom tablet. it's a seriously incredible device that allows you literally draw/paint/airbrush/brush directly onto the surface as if it were real... (ooooh, exited shudder) the surface, being so large, allows a artist like yours truly to make everything from a broad brush stroke to a tiny lil' daub of paint on a canvas texture... basically, it RULZ.

so... to treat you all, since my frame of mind lately can only be described as chaotic, i decided to do a test run and show you all my wiener. enjoy.


Jack K. said...

If I didn't know better, I would say you have some artistic talent. giggle

Have you caught the Madders at the Wacom yet?

That is a very funny self-portrait of the Madders.

Glad to know you are getting back to the other good stuff. I shall now check out the sketch site.

"K" Fingerett said...


That's the coolest toy EVER! hehe ^_^

Have fun with it and be sure to share!



shannon said...
