
... when's a sign a sign?

... i dunno friends, i jes' dunno anymore. some of you have commented to me either online thru various resources or email that i've been distant. well.. yesh. i have. as beforementioned in other entries - at times i jes' don't have anything to say. guilty as charged. i'm going away tho for a bit, but fear not; i'll post next week's fuzziechadsrule's three contestants on friday so you can all still vote next week and carry on the tradition.

in the meantime, you all stay wonderful, cooh and ever-so-damned sweet as you've all been to me. means a lot.


Vixen said...

Going away where? As in on a 'trip' or figuratively???

Please don't lose touch. You have been there for me when I truly needed a friend and you know I will do the same for you, Love.


(p.s....I hate seeing you like this. :(

Jack K. said...

-b, take the time you need to do the healing you need. If you think an email exchange will be of value, I am here.

In the meantime, I am in the chair across from you, so just tell me all about it. At least you know I will accept whatever you have to say.

Take care dear friend. Come back when you are ready.

shannon said...

you do what you need to do. i'll keep checking in (and checking my email).

Jack K. said...

I know you're back and keeping a very low profile.

Your secret is NOT safe with me. I am a blabber-mouth. tehee.

I was pleased to get your comment.

Crystal said...

i am not leaving a comment. this here, this is not a comment. this thing with words in your comment section is not a comment.

(heh. i am funneh.)