
... what to say

... is often a mystery to me. i often get so wrapped up in what's happening in my life, whether personal things, work or whatever, that i forget to reach out to you all to say hello! i know, i've been bad. here... slap mah' hand. soooo, what's been happening in my world? here's some details about one of the most annoying things i'm dealing with. it keeps me up at night... it really does.

my downstairs neighbors are a**holes. they've complained more than once about my dog who, while she's not a barker, apparently walks. this walking and subsequent walking sound has drastically effected the beforementioned a**hole's sleeping schedule and overall quality of life. i've now become paranoid in my own rental home. i actually find myself tip-toeing around the damned place. i even snapped at my sweet baboo, maddie, for running down the hall with a toy in her mouth. omgi'mahorribleperson. did i mention that she ran down the hallway 'cuz she was happy i was home and then got yelled at for being that happy doggers? i'm scum. oh, and the once-again beforementioned a**holes have a little demon of a new baby that screams and cries into all hours of the AM. this very frustrated and annoyed at apartment living person hasn't filed a complaint about the demon-child once...

due to the issues mentioned above, i'm beginning to look into property. i'm considering purchasing a house that once again, is near my office and would offer amendities such as: no a**holes bitchin' about walking dogs, no apartment managers telling me what a horrible dog i own due to her unacceptable walking behaviour, and actual garbage and recycle cans of my own picked up weekly (or whatever) so i don't have to lug plastic bags down into my car and then 4 blocks away to the "community drop off" bin that reeks of puke, other foul things and unmentionables.

breaking a lease is a bitch. fees, occasionally credit dings, and more truly do effect the "fun involved" in telling all these apartment-based dwellers where they can stick it. they actually and truly do stick it to you in the long run. sooooooo, this has caused me simply to do some intelligent long-range thinking (different from free-range, 'cuz that's chicken) about how long it would take me to raise/save the 10+% needed to invest in a new home. between bonuses, eating crackers and my base wage, i could possibly do it within 6months or so.... so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilites.

thoughts anyone? comments on what a babbling psychopath i am? advice? fanz of free-range chickens? do share.


shannon said...

i'd talk with the management to discuss their behavior. then ask about leaving earlier, because of them.

bronxbt said...

shannon - how's this for crappy, tho it's a really nice place, and frankly too expensive, they claim/won't let me switch apartments and get a ground level unit or something to that effect. they claim it's against their own regulations and too much paperwork... my goodness what a pile of crap, eh?

good thoughts tho! thankees!

Jack K. said...


You reminded me of a situation that happened to Maryann while I was in Viet Nam on my second tour. We rented an apartment near her parent's home in PA. At the time we had one daughter who was just beginning to walk/run and a Siamese cat. The daughter would run/walk on uncarpeted floors and the cat that would do the Siamese wail.

The neighbors below would complain about the noise that would keep their precious child awake. Maryann made a change. She bought a very cheap area rug and got rid of the cat. (The cat was not a favorite of hers.) Keep the dog.

Good luck in your quest. You might want to develop a friendship with an attorney and take a legal look at your rental contract.

Just some thoughts.

Give maddies an extra skritch from me.

Crystal said...

want me to kick their asses?

most hilarious post, btw!

Adrianne said...

It's situations like yours that makes me wonder why people buy apartments (condos). Good luck in your search.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you cooked them some chicken?

Anonymous said...

I rented a condo and lived below a guy who walked really heavy. I did actually tell him that it was bothering me, and he was gracious about it. But I moved out when the lease expired. I don't blame the guy; I blame the shoddy construction of the condo. I think I'm done with condos.

Lisa, cc540