... whad'joo do this weekend?
... i looked at houses and houses and houses and houses! found a coupla' contenders too! went with a laaaady-friend of mine too who made it all the more fun. we had a blast in fact. we sorted the houses based on what looked good, called the agents to try & get in, GPS'd our way around, saw some ghetto places and some really nice places. (nice place below) overall, it was a tiring yet worthwhile adventure! i'm doing number-crunching now to see what i can really afford and all that jazz... who knows what the future holds!
she even protected me when a bug got on my dashboard and freaked me out.
(gawds, bugs freak me out)so, aside from buggies attacking my car, it's fun looking for a place. i'm in the ultimate position of being a buyer w/no contingencies and the ability to move on a home now now now! wish me luck on my hunt!
Glad to know that you are in the home buying mode. As a real estate broker, and all-around good guy, I caution you about "giving away the farm" when you are talking to sellers and their agents. You might want to consider hiring your own buyer's agent to promote your interests.
As for that terrifying buggie. I am so glad it is on the screen in front of me and not on my computer desk.
I wonder if a mouse could crush it.
Make it a great day and continue to...
serve others, care about those you serve and share the love in your heart.
glad to hear that things are going well all around.
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